Scientology's Bris

Scientology received yet another public blow (the first of several being any appearance on TV by Tom Cruise) with the resignation of Canadian award winning producer Paul Haggis from their ranks. Mr Haggis sites Scientology's negative views regarding same sex marriage and the recent passage of Prop 8 in California (you would think Scientology would be more inclusive). Haggis was disappointed at the right wing stance the church took and urged them to take a few steps back form their position against same sex marriage. The church did not and Haggis, a member of over 30 years, tendered his resignation. Another chink in Scientology's "Xenuic" armour.

This story follows closely on the heals of recently surfaced information that the death of Jett Travolta, son of Scientologist actor John "I love Thetans" Travolta, can be attributed to the use of mineral and vitamin supplements instead of much needed medication. You see, Scientology believes that in a case where medication is necessary, say Autism, you should instead turn to more spiritual centered healing. I for one have no problem with people believing that spiritual healing helps. I for one believe it possible for people to be healed spiritually. But in Jetts case, he had suffered seizures for much of his life and was denied proper medication for his Autism on the basis that medication is looked down upon by Scientology as barbaric and evil. So the Travolta's tried homeopathic remedies to treat their son's Autism. This unwillingness to treat him effectively makes them complicit on his death. As hard as it must be to lose a child, it must be even harder knowing that you could have done something if only you hadn't believed in a pyramid scheme gone horribly wrong.

Let me be clear though. I am not anti-religious. Scientology, however, is not a least not in Canada. They have tried and failed to get religious status in Canada as well as in Europe (Germany and France said no, but Britain said okay). I have researched much about Scientology and many of their beliefs and practices are harmless. But it's the "pay for service" cultism that drives me up the wall. People have been criticising Christianity for years and still do, but we Christians (far better now then in past times I know) take it in stride. Have you tried entering a debate about Scientology with a Scientologist? You can't. Good luck!